-Absolutely NO SMOKING in cabins or on cabin porches or decks. If you smoke in one of our rental units, your credit card will be charged a $1000.00 smoke removal cleaning fee. If you smoke, you must do so AWAY from the cabin. Any signs of smoke in the cabin will be considered a violation of our policy and your credit card will be charged.
-Pets are not permitted in our rental units. If you bring a pet in one of our rental units (or leave a pet on the cabin porch or in your vehicle), you will be charged a $1000 pet fine.
-Hot Tubs are ONLY for adults over age 15 years of age. If you have children with you, the hot tub is not available.
-Children under age 18 are not to be left alone at your cabin.
-Visitors to your cabin are NOT permitted.
-If we find that you have unregistered guests, you may be asked to leave. No refunds.
-Fireworks are prohibited.
-Quiet Hours – 9:00p.m. - 9:00a.m.
-Daylight Savings Time Quiet Hours – 10:00p.m. - 8:00a.m.
-Please note: Solitude Pointe is a quiet place for couples and families to rest and relax.
-No alcoholic parties, loud music, use of profanity or boisterous behavior are allowed.
TRAVEL PROTECTION is available for Purchase with your Reservation:
-Travel Protection provides a 100% reimbursement of your booking total minus the Travel Protection fee if an eligible event should occur 24 hours prior, or up to 14 days prior to your arrival date that prevents you from attending or completing your booking.
-Evidence is required for your reimbursement.
-Travel Protection Terms and Conditions are not an insurance policy.
-More details about Travel Protection are explained at Reservation Check-Out.
-If you are concerned about the need to cancel for reasons other than Travel Protection allows, please use this link to purchase your own Travel Insurance:
- No refunds for inclement weather.